Rex Asabor
Generalist software engineer with a knack for open-ended problems.
With experience spanning companies of various sizes and industries, I strive to bring cross-disciplinary perspective to products I build.
Work Experience
Sizzle AIEducationAIConsumer
Founding Engineer
Led the launch of mobile app’s rebrand, syncing engineering, design and marketing functions.
Built a framework to enable A/B testing and real-time evals of our fine-tuned LLMs.
Developed data pipelines and key infrastructure for a LLM-based recommendation engine.
Used prompt engineering to maximize quality & minimize cost of inference at >100k WAU scale.
Inworld AIGamingAIDev Tools
Machine Learning Engineer (part-time)
Researched cost and inference optimization techniques for deploying large language models.
Collaborated on data collection strategy for training a proprietary LLM.
Software Engineer
Reported to the CTO as engineer #9, as we grew headcount 3x and revenue 200x in 3 months.
Spearheaded early trust & safety engineering efforts; deployed content moderation algorithms.
Enhanced our account verification process by leveraging ML models and internal tooling.
Prototyped an item-to-item recommendation engine with a small team of engineers.
SpatialVirtual RealityConsumer
Software Engineer
Offered support for rendering 11 new file types in our 3D environments.
Developed integrations with Google Drive, OneDrive, and more for file imports.
Proposed & led a partnership with Miro to transfer sticky notes between apps.
Leveraged early GPT-3 beta access to populate 3D meeting rooms with relevant content.
Software Engineering Intern
Built a new revenue dashboard and API for Snapchat Partners to analyze their ad revenue.
Prototyped a CV algorithm for automatically inserting ads into Snapchat Discover stories.
Two SigmaQuantitative Finance
Software Engineering Intern
Developed new ML-based algorithms & tools for dataset deduplication and entity recognition.
Achieved a 13% increase in labels for key multi-terabyte alternative text datasets.
The Jackson LaboratoryBiotech
Bioinformatics Researcher
Developed a new algorithm to identify mouse strain genes, increasing recall by 6%.
Invited to present at Harvard Medical School and the Asian Pacific Bioinformatics Conference.
Harvey Mudd College
Senior Capstone: Built infrastructure auto-scaling algorithms via k8s & Kafka for Crowdstrike
President’s Scholar ($250k), Lockheed Martin STEM Scholar ($40k), Neo Scholar, Conviction Fellow
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